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Store > Custom Photo Set
Custom Photo Set
$0 based on selections below
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NOTE - Based on your selections this order may require approval before you can submit payment and complete your purchase.


Would you like a customized photo set that satisfies exactly what you are looking for? Purchase this and you can choose my entire outfit, hair, makeup, poses, props, and whatever other requests you might want to send my way! You'll receive a minimum of 30 photos but I'm happy to negotiate a bit on this if you are wanting additional photos.

I'm able to shoot high resolution, 40MP images with my phone and tripod. I'm happy to touch the photos up to correct brightness or color as needed but I can also send the images unedited if you prefer the original files. Once they are ready for you, I'll zip them up in a folder and send you a download link!

Just like with a custom video, custom photos require a conversation between you and I first. I need to make sure I can accomplish what you are looking for and provide you with images that you will be happy with. Please follow through completely with the checkout process. I will receive a notification about your interest in scheduling a custom photo set with me. You will NOT be charged until we have communicated, I have approved your order, and we have agreed on a delivery date.

If you have any questions, please use the contact form on my site or the private message feature you'll find in the top left corner once you have created a free shop account.

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